Our Table Guest

I was about to ask a question that made me stop and think that it would be pointless to ask because the obvious answer to that question from you would be duh! Especially given what’s been going on for the past year. It seems that our lives has been shifted in not only our engagement with the outside world, but within ourselves…doesn’t it seem like you’re facing new things (good & bad) that ironically has the same timing of what has taken place within the outside world..it seems as if these eternal good and bad experiences has just flowed into your life and without you offering it, it just took a seat at your table, made itself comfortable, and began some questionable work in your life? Things that you’ve never experienced before..or maybe we have, but given the times that we’re in our perception has shifted as well so our comfortably seated guest looks different than before..perhaps he has locs now….she is no longer relaxed, but is natural..or her make-up skills are now through the roof!, but yep that’s them from before…I think If we really think about it this all would only make sense…right?..if we look around it seems as if there is a repeat of something, but it looks different..so why wouldn’t some of our eternal bless & mess reflect the same?


These past few days I have been thinking of ways in which I can benefit from the good things that have come about in my life…so that they’re not missed opportunities..and the things that I deem as being WTF moments..how can I maneuver through those obstacles without setting myself back with my emotions while at the same time soaking up the lessons that are festering within those uncomfortable moments? It’s a time to get a better handle on my emotions..it’s that time for all of us which is why so much is put out within mainstream media to have something outside of ourselves control our emotions..I have to admit that I had to take a step back from researching certain things that I deem as truths online, on YouTube, on social media, and etc…once I realize what those things were doing with my emotions…not to my emotions, but with my emotions..they had my emotions in the palm of their hands just juggling them from one palm to the next…right over my head might I add..


Well now that’s done and I am now faced with taking control of my emotions without letting things from within, that we all harbor, control my emotions..I can’t fire mainstream media for disrupting the natural order of my emotions and then jump right in where they left off…Today I brainstormed on certain things that I have implemented that have worked and new things that I want to add and I realized that it’s not just me that’s on this journey so why not share this with you all…and you know what I came up with?...stop and ask myself why is this guest here at my table…get to know them and see what their intentions are and based off those intentions deal with them accordingly…remember they’re seated at your table not you at theirs…that means it’s your house..and even if you can’t control certain outside occurrences..you can control your emotions…if someone unexpected showed up at you physical home..rather you answered the door or not wouldn’t you question why are they here? What do they want? How should I handle this unexpected guest? Maybe they are being sent to bless you or maybe they are being sent to destroy you..either way they are on your territory and that gives you a upper hand in how it plays out…get to know your table guest because please know that they are definitely getting to know you…

Written By,

Shana of Our Essence of Serenity


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